Gosh...I can't believe how much time has passed since I last posted. Since it has been so long since I last updated, I've got quite a bit to talk about!
We spent the holidays with my parents in Oregon and had such a great time. It was so relaxing! We didn't have anywhere to be and many of the days I was there I never even left my pjs! Which, I know doesn't come as a surprise to some of you seems how I work from home & you can find me in my pjs more often then not! I also read through TWO books while we were there. I haven't read so much since high school!
Amanda was totally excited to be there with her Nonie & Papa, especially since it snowed a bunch! She finally got to make a BIG snowman & was tickled pink about it.
The new year has brought Kevin & I some very busy days with our jobs, including, more travel planned. Kevin will be leaving for a week in February to Paris France, without us, for work. I just couldn't see spending so much for airline tickets for us to go when he would be working. I told him since I had been there before, it was ok for him to go once without me...but he better not go up the Eiffel tower since I hadn't done that yet! Have to save something we can do together when we do have the chance to go as a family!
I'll also be traveling to Livermore CA in April for a week to spend some time 'in the office'.
Amanda celebrates her 5th birthday next weekend (which means I'm another year older too). I can't believe she is 5 years old already. We are planning a joint party with her best friend from preschool, Dakotah, who has a birthday on the 12th. Rather then have 2 parties for the school kids to attend, we decided a combined party would be more fun. I'm sure they will exhaust a lot of energy as we are having the party at the YMCA swimming pool! Amanda is so excited she gets to wear her new swimming suit we just got for her from the Gap this last weekend (thank you Grandma!!)
In other news,
faithsisters.com continues to grow by leaps & bounds (just reached over 500 members today!) The friendships that are being built over there are amazing and its such a blessing to be a part of a community that designs for Him!
Speaking of designing, I just released my first ever paper/element digital kit in the faithsisters.com
shop today!
This kit was so much fun to put together and I can't wait to get started on my next one.
Since I have so much to get caught up on, I'll be posting every day for the next week or so with recent layouts I've done, pictures of whats been going on recently and much more! Its time to get back on this 'blog train'!!