Monday, January 21, 2002

Day 15

Just thought I would give everyone a quick update. Brianna is pulling through! She is consistently awake at feeding time & is consistently consuming 10 cc's by bottle each time as well. We are going to try a faster nipple in 2 hours & see how she handles it...hopefully she will take to it just fine & consume even more! She has the sucking motion down pat...its just getting her to do it long enough to take a full feeding. THANK GOD!

As far as her hyper tonic muscles...they are improving remarkably. Within the last 2 days alone there has been huge changes. The developmental therapist came today & was totally impressed with her range of motion & her ability to suck. She told me "good job are doing an excellent job working with her". WOW! That made me feel so good. All the hours that I have put in are finally starting to pay off.

Thank you to all of you for your prayers & please keep them coming.

Still pending test results, so we don't have a prognosis yet on what is causing the seizure activity...I will keep you posted on all of her progress.

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