Friday, February 15, 2002

Jesus Whispered in My Ear Today

By Jackie Whiteker

Jesus whispered in my ear today
and told me how much He loved me,
and then He said He wanted me to know
what a special mommy and daddy He gave me.

Two people chosen solely by Him
to help me be all I can be,
who would always be gentle and patient
and thankful God blessed them with me.

He then said "Dear Brianna remember -
whatever this life on earth brings,
your guardian angel stands watch over you
while I am in control of all things."

He told me that though I'm just an infant
I can tell you both I love you,
by simply looking at you with my bright eyes
and letting my love shine through.

He smiled when I got sleepy today mommy,
and you sang me a lullaby,
and He watched as daddy held me in his arms
and I gently closed both my sleepy eyes.

He said it filled His heart with joy
to watch the three of us
A Father - Mother - and a Daughter
who love the Lord so much.

And then He gently touched my hand
and gave it a loving squeeze,
and I looked up and smiled at Him
as He smiled back at me.

"I bless you Brianna" He said to me.
"I know your every need
That's why I gave you a mommy and daddy
who would love you and teach you about Me."

So thank you sweet Jesus for whispers in my ears
that help me along the way,
and thank you for mommy and daddy,
who thank You - for me - when they pray.

Jackie is a PartyLite friend of mine. She wrote this for a dear friend that she worked with at the time. She and her husband were blessed with their first child on March 13, 1993. Joshua has many physical and mental handicaps as he was born with a syndrome referred to as Trisome #9. This hasn't stopped him from being a joy to both proud parents. He has touched the hearts of so many - including Jackie. I have modified it to fit for Brianna. Thank you Jackie for giving me the strength to get through this difficult time.

~Jamie Aldridge

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