Wow, what a long day. Jacob's surgery went very well. They had a hard time intubating him. The first time, he had too much of an air leak around the tube & wasn't getting enough oxygen. They struggled getting the 2nd, bigger tube in & almost called off the surgery, however, they did finally get it. No transfusions were needed, thank God! I was getting a little worried as the surgery was only supposed to take 2 hours & we were creeping up to 3 hours before Dr Jolley came to tell us all was done, ok, & he was back in his room.
He was having quite a bit of twitching/seizure activity when he got back & Ativan wasn't really helping. They ordered another drug that is also part of the same family as the Klonopin, called Medazalam, that was finally on board about 5pm. It seemed to calm him a little more, but I'm still seeing some activity...sigh. He's also on morphine for pain.
Poor lil' guy has an IV in his foot & hand, an artery IV in his other hand, a tube down his nose, a G- tube in his belly, a bandage on his belly & his right quad, as well as on a respirator. Such a hard thing to watch.
He had quite a bit of swelling in his throat, which is one of the reasons they couldn't get him intubated very well. Swelling is also caused by him aspirating, which the Nisson Fundoplication will prevent from happening now.
When the EEG tech removed all the wires that he had attached for several days, the electrodes appear to have caused some scabs/sores on his poor lil' face...arggg
Kevin & I are pretty tired tonight & I'm not sure what my plan is for tomorrow, go to work, sleep in, or go see Jacob. So many hats to wear & not enough of 'me' to do them all!
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